Jain Perspective on Organ Donation

The recent advances in medical technology have made it comparatively easy to transplant vital organs from one human body to another.

Organ transplant has become almost a routine procedure in most hospitals. The demand for organ donors has grown considerably and the National Health Service in the UK has started a Organ Donor Register where members of the public are requested to register . Those on register are confirming that their organs can be removed from their bodies after their death.

The Asian communities have not been very forthcoming in registering their names as potential organ donors. NHS has been campaigning quite vigorously to recruit the membership of this register but response has not been encouraging from the Asians.
There could be various reasons for this lack of registration – perhaps there is no awareness of the registration process or some religious belief that removal of organs leaves a person ‘incomplete’.
Jain beliefs are very clear in this matter, that the body from which the soul has departed is of no value. Thus if any part of that body can be usefully employed at least someone else will benefit. This perspective has been clarified in the attached document.
Please advise your family members and friends to review the document and seriously consider registering on the NHS register. NHS website also gives comprehensive information on organ donation process.

Jain Perspective on Organ Donation

Visit NHS site at http://www.organdonation.nhs.uk/